• Jan Priddy

    I sang while in unmedicated labor with my children. Yes, I get that.

    January 18, 2018
  • Jan, I was telling the (young) dental hygienists who marveled at my ability to do everything with just nitrous that women used to give birth with just laughing gas – and everyone in the room usually got a dose with her, including the doc delivering the baby! Ah, the days…

    January 18, 2018
  • Ann

    Ouch, I am about to get a crown at the end of this month… I consider January prime weeks for reading, and (unlike you I guess) I don’t need to be told to “do less.”

    Hooray for surprises! Spoon River is a fine journal. Wonderful for reading in bed on a “wasted” day.

    January 18, 2018
  • Hubby and I are using this doldrum-y down time to go through the entire house, top to bottom. Our garage sale pile is really growing! Plus it feels nice to look around (at least in some rooms) and only see things that we actually love and use. (Or sometimes just love.)

    I’m trying not to let myself get too overwhelmed with all of the should-dos. I’m really really good about making long lists of should-dos and getting super overwhelmed. It’s my specialty. This year my focus is not on specific goals, just doing more of the things I love, saying no to more of the things I don’t, and trying to be a better person in general.

    January 18, 2018
  • I agree that there are benefits to downtime. I’ve had those days where I feel horrible and just withdraw into some serious reading. Later I feel better and as a book reviewer, I guess it isn’t entirely downtime! But it is more of an enjoyment of the book as opposed to whizzing through it at high speed.

    January 18, 2018
  • This issue of srpr is in my house! And, since reading your blog post, in my hands!! Neato.

    January 21, 2018
  • Thanks for this reminder about downtime. I’m definitely in the January doldrums right now and I try to remind myself that downtime and resting have their place and be rewarding.

    January 25, 2018

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