• Oklahoma can’t seem to decide what season it is ever, and this year it seems more sporadic than normal. We haven’t had very many storms to mention yet, some of the trees bloomed way early and others are barely starting, and yesterday felt more like late winter while earlier this month temperatures were in the 90s. At least I have some pretty wildflowers in my yard!

    I will wish for nothing but good and wonderful news on your test results and send positivity your way regardless.

    Submission parties sound like fun! I’ve been much more diligent this year. No acceptances yet, but fingers are still crossed.

    April for me is the start of my husband and I trying to get a bit healthier. (Minor changes. You know, ones we can keep to, make habits out of, and add more changes to later.) It is also Camp NaNoWriMo, which for the first time ever lets me track time! Word count doesn’t work so well for poetry… I started my first collection last November after thinking on it for over a year and have continued to work on it since. NaNo, both Camp and otherwise, are just good months for me to hone my focus and put in some extra writing time while I tell the rest of my worldly responsibilities to please wait their turns… writing is important! πŸ˜‰

    March 31, 2017
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Your April plans sound great! Good luck with NaNoWriMo!

    March 31, 2017

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