New Poem “How Not to Die” in Eye to the Telescope, a New Review of The Tradition in Barrelhouse, a Poetry Reading and Birds, Butterflies, and Birthdays
- At July 15, 2019
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Summertime Birds, Butterflies, and Birthdays
This week has been busier than we originally planned! It was Glenn’s birthday so we went out to listen to live music and stroll around the gardens at Willows Lodge. We’ve had two visits by a bobcat to our back porch this week, as well as new blooming “cherry rose” sunflowers, always elusive-to-the-camera goldfinches, and an infrequent visitor, the Painted Lady butterfly. I’ve also had a poem and a book review published AND went to a poetry reading by one of my favorite poets!
New Poem in Eye to the Telescope
I was pleased to have a poem in the new issue of Eye to the Telescope. This theme was “infection” and I share the issue with my friend Karen Weyant. My poem is “How Not to Die,” a subject I happen to know a little about. Here’s a link – you have to scroll down to read all the poems, but here’s a sneak preview:
A New Review in Barrelhouse of Jericho Brown’s The Tradition
I also have a new review of Jericho Brown’s excellent new book, The Tradition, in Barrelhouse. So happy it found a home there! Here’s the first sentence: “Jericho Brown’s third book, The Tradition, is his most powerful, and his most technically accomplished, yet. Brown attempts to interrogate mythology, the news cycle, police shootings, racism, and the vulnerability of his body in this stunning collection.”
A Poetry Reading at Hugo House with Dana Levin and Natalie Scenters-Zapico
I was so excited to be able to attend a poetry reading at the new Hugo House where Dana Levin (one of my long-time favorite poets) and one of her friends/former students, Natalie Scenters-Zapico (who recently moved to the area.) I’m still not used to the starkness of the new Hugo House – hang some art, people! It would really improve the space – and the absence of places to sit and socialize (the old Hugo House had little tables clustered around the bar, which the new one lacks) and the lighting is still not very flattering. But I loved seeing these two poets read. Natalie read from her new book, Lima :: Limón, and Dana read some apocalyptic poems from Banana Palace
as well as some new work. Overall an inspiring night of poetry!
One of the results of all this celebration is I am much more tired than usual and needing to sleep in more than usual. The combo of MS and anemia (yes, I’m taking iron and b12 supplements religiously) can really take the wind out of your sails. But the summer has been mild here – even, some might say, gloomy! It’s raining right now. But I like having a break from soaring temps and high sun. I can walk around my garden (and the surrounding gardens Woodinville has) without worrying about feeling beaten up afterward. I saw a family of deer with two fans and a plethora of rabbits on my street. And did I mention I’ve had two bobcat visits to my back porch (caught by my Ring) this week? So, even though I’ve felt a little discouraged poetry-wise (I even took a week or two off from submitting, I felt so bombarded with rejections) I feel that nature has been extra kind to me this July. Sometimes it’s okay to take a break and just read and write and recharge your batteries – and the rain gives us the perfect excuse to spend a little extra time at the library or bookstore. Wishing you a little time to recharge and some good news in your Inbox (and maybe a bobcat visit!)