• Jeannine, if they have a superhero poetry panel next year, you should be on it.

    And I’ve gotten the empty envelope back before (and wondered, gee, maybe it had an acceptance, and tried following up with email, yet with no reply).

    Best wishes!

    February 07, 2009
  • I got an empty back once, but could not settle on a good theory.

    Hang in there! Injuries hurt less in the spring.

    February 07, 2009
  • Sorry you couldn’t be part of that AWP panel, J9. You would have rocked! I hope you’re back on your feet soon. As for the empty envelope, zounds! The universe appears to be f-ing with you.

    February 08, 2009
  • Wow, that seems like an argument for marking the envelopes (according to market) somehow…some of the fiction mags that still require paper submissions have address-stamps for the corner, so I haven’t been marking my SASEs. Hmm.

    P.S. It’s rather maddening that they’d do such a panel when you aren’t there. 🙁

    February 09, 2009
  • We missed you SO MUCH! But I did get to meet Felicity as a consolation prize.

    February 17, 2009

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