• j9–
    that poem turned out great! I have one of the smart, shining children 😉

    talk w/you soon!

    April 03, 2008
  • Hi Jeannine, I found your blog and have enjoyed reading your poetry. Thank you for this description of what many women are feeling.

    I especially like the “sticky monkey flowers”. I can just picture it. For some reason other people’s kids always seemed more sticky, germy and graspy.

    Chris and I want to take a trip up your way this summer possibly. We’ll connect with you guys when we are planning.

    April 03, 2008
  • Hi Jeannine~
    I’m showing up too late I guess-
    was hoping to read your new poem for the day and poof~ missed it!

    Carol Lynn

    April 03, 2008
  • I’ve missed seeing your poems on your blog so far. Maybe I’ll have better luck this week.

    Thank you for the book reviews.


    April 06, 2008

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