• ka

    Under “Lessons Learned” you forgot to mention–

    Always ask how much two large pizzas will be.

    We’re home safely and the chickens are put away.

    Also, mapquest told me that you are only 35 miles from my home. Hi neighbor! Welcome!

    And we were happy to help you move!

    November 17, 2007
  • Oh, the trials of moving. (With my last move, I had some of the same problems with my movers — too long of a story to tell here) I hope this note finds you at least a little more comfortable in your new home!

    November 18, 2007
  • Oh my god…that sounds like a horror show. I am sending you and hubby hugs of sympathy. The thought of moving makes me shudder right down to my very core.

    November 18, 2007

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