• Jeannine, I completely agree with you about Simone and Brandi’s books! They make my brain hurt, but it the best possible way.

    It was great to meet you at AWP, by the way!


    March 11, 2007
  • Hey Jeanine,

    I loved Stranger Than Fiction and Simone is amazing (excellent description, btw) but then I even liked her way back when in her Sheila Na Gig chapbook-winning days–when her poems tended to be more elaborately narrative and “personal”–

    Glad to hear you are feeling better and out on the town. I’d dig meeting Peter P. someday–he picked my poem Good Friday Kiss as a prize winner in 2005 and wrote something quite nice.

    Are you closing in on some teaching ideas or is it going to be more school for you? You mentioned some poems had been taken–nice little surprise when you got back from AWP–terrific.

    I’m writing like a demon. Just wrote a poem called “Superman” and one in the hopper called “What Wonder Woman Fears Most”–both somewhat dark and twisted (really, Michelle, how unusual…) Inspired by you, Dorianne, and God knows what else, holy mackeralandy. Anyway, I’ll try to do justice carrying the torch…

    Take care.
    Michelle P.S. This isn’t really a blog message, is it? I should have e-mailed you–sorry!

    March 11, 2007
  • Jeannine, I haven’t seen it yet, but Stranger than Fiction was filmed at the university where I used to teach (UIC) while I was still teaching there. It was a major mess, and my students were so distracted (many of them became extras). It was really cool to see “stars” around every day, though, and the bathrooms were cleaner…

    March 12, 2007
  • Anonymous

    visited your home and liked it.

    March 12, 2007
  • Love love love Lampblack & Ash. All my students write like her now.

    March 14, 2007

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