• Nice poem and so thankful to Prairie Schooner for sharing it online.

    Good luck with the poems / grants!

    January 21, 2012
  • Congrats on all this, and so glad to see that poem!

    January 21, 2012
  • Evocative description of peanuts there, Jeannine, thanks. And thanks for reminding me of all the times I ate onion grass 🙂

    January 22, 2012
  • Love the Knoxville poem. I have a poem called Knoxville, 1982 in my new manuscript, so I love the synchronicity there. 🙂

    January 22, 2012
  • Thanks Sandy! Still working away!

    Kathleen and Mary – thank you!

    Collin – we just have great minds that think alike!

    January 22, 2012

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