Hmm, after a string of rejections over the past few months (always heartening) I finally got two acceptances in the mail on one day!
5 AM took a poem I really like, and one of my poems was a semifinalist for the Rattle poetry prize, so they’re going to publish that one.
And, on my trail walk, I saw two baby bunnies! A banner day all around. Except for the physical therapy and blood test appointments. Not as fun. But, you’ve got to take a little bad with the good.
I’m starting to get ready for my two-week trip to U of Akron, SUNY Fredonia, and Hall/Gailey family-homestead Cincinnati. What to pack? My mom said “well, it’s 70 today, and tomorrow supposed to be around 41 degrees.” Layers?
Questions: Looking for a new journal to send to. Ideally, it would be a place friendly to persona poems, prose poems, the quirky, the funny, sonnets with X-men references, etc…Please post your suggestions to the comments field.
More rejections: in order to balance out the universe, a rejection of a query from Copper Canyon (though these are lovely poems, we’re full right now, etc…but it was handwritten – that was nice!) and a rejection from BOA with a nice note. Then two e-mail rejections. Total number of acceptances yesterday and today: 2. Total number of rejections: 4.
Oh, the velocity of poems!