Happy Memorial Day!
Last night, my first night in the new place, I dreamed I moved into a haunted house that was trying to kill me with clouds of dust. I woke up at 4 AM in the middle of an asthma attack. How’s that for good signs? LOL. It smells a little like damp dog in here, and since our landlord did not have a dog, it must be from a previous owner. Anyone know how to get rid of that kind of smell? We’ve already shampooed the carpets and washed the curtains, but the smell is still there. I’m paying several hundred dollars more a month for this? Urghh…must leave overpriced…rental…area…go back…Midwest…Colorado…Arizona…anywhere…
Exhausted from packing and unpacking, but a few bits of news…
Two new poems in the new Spring 2007 Harvard Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. If that’s your bag, baby, it’s a pretty interesting academic journal. I enjoyed it, anyway.
A new poem up at the new issue of In Posse Review.
Got a note from Breadloaf, didn’t the fellowship I applied for but I’ve accepted as a regular applicant (this is the second time.) Still can’t afford that brutal tuition fee, though. Love to go, hate the price…
Anybody want to donate $2K to a good cause? I’ll send you my Paypal address…and dedicate my next book to you 🙂
Remember to congratulate Kelli on her graduation day!
Hope you are all barbequing and enjoying the day off, while soberly reminding yourself of the sacrifices of veterans. See how those two things don’t really go together? Hmm, how to combine sober reflection on military concerns with fun celebration of the beginning of summer…maybe by watching “Stripes?”
I have a nephew in the Navy, one of my brothers is an Air Force vet, my Dad is a former Marine, and both my grandfathers faught in WWII. It’s quite a military family. Thanks, guys!