Do you know why I like blogs more than Facebook? I can’t lose myself in someone else’s perspective on Facebook, but on the right blog, you get to lose yourself. You get inside someone else’s head. That is what I like about writing in general. Facebook is like seeing a bunch of people at a party; a blog is like going for coffee with someone you’re really interested in.
I think I was going to say something interesting here about judging the chapbook contest for Concrete Wolf, something about how there are so many good writers out there, all the finalists this year were wonderful, and how the decisions come down to – “These are equally well-written but I’m more interested in this subject matter” or “this type of writing is more interesting to me than that kind” which makes you think about how relative judgement about poetry really is. It could be all about the mood of the writer at that moment, about how much they like prose poems or narrative poems, about how they feel like they haven’t seen enough of blank and blank should be celebrated this year.
I’m also thinking about chapbooks, about how I might want to do another one.
I think I like Lost because Lost is about the struggle to understand suffering in life, to understand justice, to understand mystery. Lost is a lot like the Bible that way. You’re interested in the characters, but you’re more interested in the mystery.
I’d also like to know about any good superhero poems by female poets, if you’ve written one or have a favorite one by another poet. I’m always excited to find out about these kinds of things, but I’m trying to put together a good diverse sample of poems for my WonderCon paper.
Would you like to read more about AWP? Continuing the blog vicariousness:
The Ploughshares Take:
and SPD’s blog o’ photos (check out cute Jessica Smith! and all the shoes!)
In Jeannine news, still sad about not getting to AWP, but I’m getting ready to send out some submissions. My MSN horoscope today said if I was a writer, getting published was right around the corner. Got to take the good omens in whatever form they come in, right?
Only one of my two tonsils is swollen up like a grape now, which I take to mean I am getting better, though I woke up coughing and coughing like nobody’s business and I’m still fevery. Whatever this crap is, taking a lot of zinc and C and strong antibiotics and soup and a boatload of random holistic cures has barely been able to contain it. Demons out!
Oh, and Lost was good last night. I heart Hurley!