Cough cough. Picked up a nasty virus while I was in Seattle (and everyone on the plane was coughing and sneezing…never a good sign…) Thanks again, Seattle! Note to self: I have to stop visiting that place except from June to September. Husband G is making me soup as we speak.
Working to finish up another review and start serious prep for my April class, which is now around the corner. Eep!
Crab Creek Review’s new Fall/Winter 2009 issue is coming out. You should all order a copy, there’s a heartbreaking poem in there by Denise Duhamel no one should miss, plus a bunch of great writing.
Can’t find any journals to submit to – every one I think of has a closed reading period right now or isn’t reading or has some other difficulty. Would appreciate recommendations of any Jeannine-friendly journals that are reading right now…