Exciting Deliveries, Interview in Womens Quarterly Conversation, Guest Blog Post and Seeing Old Friends
Yes, this is the first little author copy batch of She Returns to the Floating World that showed up in my mailbox! I have to admit that other pictures may have been taken, including one that may or may not have included a pink rhinestone tiara. However, I am not posting that picture. I will, however, post a picture in which my cat Shakespeare shamelessly flirts with the camera next to my box of books.
And I’m very pleased to post a link to the very interesting interview series at Women’s Quarterly Conversations, which just interviewed me (and also features writers like Katie Farris, Anne Waldman and Patricia Fargnoli.) Here’s the link: http://womensquarterlyconversation.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/profiles-in-poetics-jeannine-hall-gailey/
Then read the interviews with the other writers, because they are super smart-sounding!
Because I am everywhere all at once these days, I’ve also got a guest blog post up at the magazine Trachodon’s blog on giving a reading!
I’m going to see some friends from my MFA program this week, and I’m looking forward to catching up with them. Yay for seeing old friends.