Flare, Corona is a Washington State Book Award Finalist! And Art Gallery Openings, Visiting with Friends and Family
- At September 09, 2024
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Flare, Corona is a Washington State Book Award Finalist
I can finally share my good news—Flare, Corona is a 2024 Washington State Book Award Finalist! I’m very grateful for the honor and am happy to be in very good company, including my friend Rena Priest. You can cross your fingers for me—I’ll find out by the end of the month if I’ve won or not.
We poets go a long time between pieces of good news, luck, recognition, awards. So, something like this can feel like a big deal and we try to celebrate it as best we can (in between rejections, LOL). Does this mean more people might buy or read the book? The answer is really only maybe. But we can hope! And I might get a sticker for my book, which is always nice. And thank you to all the people who wrote me nice notes of congratulations. It really does mean a lot.
(SAL and Open Books did an announcement on Instagram that had a cute graphic I thought I’d share!)
Art Gallery Opening at Roq La Rue
Saturday night we went to the opening show for Dewi Plass and Hallie Packard at Roq La Rue, my favorite Seattle art gallery. My little brother and sister-in-law were also in attendance, and we had a great time catching up with them. Plus, we talked to the artists and Kerstin, the gallery owner. A gorgeous show (it’s up ’til Sept 28th if you want to see it!) And I purchased a great book of sci-fi and steampunk art. (Roq La Rue has some terrific and hard-to-find art books, if you’re into that sort of thing.)
It made me think about how art inspires me and how making friends with artists is always so rewarding. It’s good to give your life a little space for music, visual art, theater, anything that makes you feel more creative. Visual art has a way of making you see the world a little differently.
- Me and Hallie Packard with “Tidal”
- Dewi Plass “Perspectives”
- Glenn, me Loree and Mike with Hallie’s “Ravel”
Visiting with Family and Friends
Sunday, I visited with my writer friend Kelli Russell Agodon and her family, which was wonderful. I don’t get to see my writer friends often enough, especially this year, it seems. We got to catch up and celebrate good news, commiserate, enjoy brunch. One of the things about the pandemic is how much many of us got used to not socializing, even with family and close friends. Even now, Glenn and I probably go and about less than we used to. But there’s such a benefit to getting together with actual humans.
Kelli and I talked about doing a possible Zoom class together soon, so stay tuned for details on that!
Poetry Blog Digest 2024, Week 36 – Via Negativa
[…] Jeannine Hall Gailey, Flare, Corona is a Washington State Book Award Finalist! And Art Gallery Openings, Visiting with Fri… […]