Happy Post-Halloween and Blue Moon, Election Day Voting Interview on Health, and More!
- At November 01, 2020
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Happy Post-Halloween! And Looming Election Day!
Hello my friends! I hope you had a safe and happy Halloween. We dressed up, decorated, and tied bags of candy on our tree branches and retired for the night to eat pumpkin soup and watch Buffy Halloween episodes. And of course, in tradition, I dyed my hair purple for the occasion and we made a unicorn pumpkin. I took pictures of the orange moon as it rose, and the Blue Moon – once in a blue moon seeming an ominous prediction.
Election Day is looming before us, though when they will declare a winner is unknown. I voted weeks ago of course – in Washington State, everyone can vote by mail as early as you receive your ballot. This fox here represents my voting space (as well as my love of foxes and typewriters!)
- Fox King and Queen of the Forest!
- Purple Hair!
- Spooky Blue Moon
- Sylvia with unicorn pumpkin
An Interview on Voting as a Disabled Chronically Ill Person in Health Magazine
Usually, I’m a writer, and the interviewee, not the interview subject, but recently I was asked to be part of an interview series on voting and gladly participated. I hope it is helpful to some of you. It is so important to vote this year, however you can. You know. It could save countless lives; it could endanger other’s health, depending on who you vote for. (Biden/Harris for me, of course, because they believe in science, health care, and try not to be superspreaders (see recent news on how several Trump fans went into the hospital for hypothermia and how 20,000 covid-19 cases and 700 deaths have been linked to Trump rallies.)
Here’s a link to the article: Chronically Ill and Disabled Americans Share How They Are Voting
The Election, The Month of November: Plans, Worries, Etc.
So, with a fraught election and a pretend king who doesn’t want to give up power, I notice the media has been teeming with mentions of civil war. That’s not comforting. I hope we have a peaceful, overwhelming Biden win on election day. I hope we can sleep better soon.
People are storing up food, medication, and some are buying guns. What am I doing, you ask? Why, planning to write a page a day in November on my novel-in-progress, participating for the first time in NaNoWriMo. Why not be optimistic in the face of apocalypse? I have always done it before.
The sky is blue and I’m going to try to get out in the weak November sun soon, so I’ll leave you with a couple of poems: “Wonder Woman Considers the Pandemic,” and “Poison Ivy Considers the Apocalypse.” One of which will appear in an upcoming Freezeray anthology on Covid-19 and Superheroes!
I’ll do another book giveaway after Election Day! Until then, stay safe and warm, read some poetry, and vote!