New Review of Flare, Corona in F(r)iction, Still the Smoke and Heat, Poetry World Losses, A Blue Supermoon Coming…So Look Out (or Up)
- At August 28, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
A New Review of Flare, Corona is Up at F(r)iction
Very happy to have a new review of Flare, Corona at F(r)iction by JP Legarte. I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for every purchase, every review, of this new book. Thank you to those who teach any of my books and my poems. Thank you to my friends who keep encouraging me. Thanks to those who invite me to read and to visit classes. It is so easy to feel discouraged and so hard to believe in your own work. So thank you!
Here it is:
A Review of Flare, Corona by Jeannine Hall Gailey – F(r)iction (
And here’s a screen cap with a sneak peek.
Poetry World Losses
I was very sad to hear about the death of poet Maureen Seaton, who was a tremendously encouraging and supportive writer as well as a really fun writer—I’ve been reading her for years, but it is her steady kindness to others that I saw in all the mentions of her in social media. I wonder—does our work matter more, or how we treat people along the way? Either way, if you haven’t picked up anything by Maureen yet, you should. Ed Ochester, the editor of 5 AM and University of Pittsburgh Press for a long time, also passed away—another poet who was known for kind editorial notes and support for writers. Yes, he sent me some of those notes. We feel real sorrow—not just an abstract sense of loss—when these kinds of people pass away. The poetry world can be cold and indifferent, but these were people who made it less so. It’s hard to say this without sounding like a cliche, but they were people who reminded me to be not just a better poet, but a better person, and I will miss them. I want to remember to be kind, how important it is to write that note, or that blurb, or that appreciation or review.
Still in Heat and Smoke—and a Blue Supermoon is Coming, So Look Out (or Up!)
I’ve been house-bound for a couple of days with almost 90° heat (hard on MS) and horrible smoke (hard on asthmatics) outside. The week ahead contains a small surgery for Glenn and the infusion scheduled for me, along with more fun things like my book club at J. Bookwalter’s winery on Wednesday night to discuss the novel When Women Were Dragons.
I’ve been unusually tired—falling asleep when I try to read or watch a movie, napping a lot—and haven’t been able to get enough done (whatever “enough” us). And a rare Blue Supermoon—the last for fourteen years—is coming on August 30th. I feel a little bit of anxiety (or nervous premonition?) You should definitely look up at the sky Wednesday night either way. It will probably rain here—I mean, we could use the rain, honestly, but I hate to miss seeing the moon (no matter what its portents).
Anyway, here is wishing you health, happiness, and peace for the upcoming week. May September (and the Supermoon) be kinder to all of us.
Poetry Blog Digest 2023, Week 34 – Via Negativa
[…] Jeannine Hall Gailey, New Review of Flare, Corona in F(r)iction, Still the Smoke and Heat, Poetry World Losses, A Blue Sup… […]