The Early Arrival of Author Copies of Flare, Corona (!!!), Celebrations with Poet Friends, Fun Videos, Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day/Groundhog Day and the Sun’s Slow Return
- At February 04, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Surprise! Early Arrival of Flare, Corona Author Copies!
Well, this week held a happy surprise: three boxes of books arrived at my door yesterday morning! Since the book’s official release date is several months down the line in spring, I was happy but also felt that I was suddenly behind on everything related to the book.
The book is bigger and more square and substantial feeling than all of my previous books (which should make shipping more interesting), but it felt absolutely terrific to be holding a book that was six years in the making—and contains some of my most vulnerable work, from the most challenging time in my life.
I tried my hand at making videos again (this time, a short unboxing video) and took pictures of the cats with my book. I was so overwhelmed I felt literally light-headed! If you want a copy, it’s still early, but you can get a signed copy from me here or order directly from BOA Editions here. I’ll also be signing copies at AWP and of course there will be launches in Seattle and Woodinville later in the spring.
- Me with Flare, Corona
- Kitten Charlotte with Flare, Corona
- Sylvia with Flare, Corona
Celebrating with Poet Friends
I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate with my poet friend Kelli Russell Agodon. We had been meaning to get together for a while, so we also celebrated her (January) birthday along with the new book! We had champagne, strawberry cupcakes, a huge plate of veggies, and just generally had a great time catching up. I was thinking about the importance of having other writers who support and encourage you along the way—the rejections, the reviews, the acceptances and (occasionally) prizes and publications. Someone who knows exactly what you’ve been through and has gone through a lot of the same things.
The pandemic has been hard on extroverts like me, and although I’ve made efforts to keep socializing a bit, I am really looking forward to reconnecting with more writer friends, not just at the upcoming AWP in Seattle, but this spring and summer as I start reading and having parties. I am in the mood to celebrate life, and hopefully the pandemic will become less dangerous as scientists develop more effective treatment, so I can actually do that safely.
- Me and Kelli with champagne and Flare, Corona copy
- Kelli’s birthday toast
- Kelli, Charlotte and me
Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day/Groundhog Day and the Slow Return of the Sun
January was a rough month for me, and for many of my friends, so here’s hoping for the return of the light—celebrated symbolically on Imbolc and St. Brigid’s Day—and better things ahead.
I always look forward to the spring, and never more than this year. I just feel something is changing for the better, besides the earth’s core stopping spinning and whatnot (hey, I can’t stop paying attention to everything!), and I feel thankful—thankful—to be approaching my 50th birthday this April. Really, for someone like me, it’s a surprise and a privilege to have survived this long. The book—Flare, Corona—talks about a time that I really thought—and I had been told by prominent specialists—I wasn’t going to make it past 43. I thought about what I could be thankful for.
Groundhog Day is a less old and revered holiday than Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day, and this year, the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, though he’s correct only 30 something percent of the time. I’m hoping to see flowers, and some later sunsets, and warmer weather so we can get out into nature more frequently. Hoping for less snow this winter, and fewer fires this fall.
This pileated woodpecker is a reminder that if we just pay attention, beauty is right outside our window. The birds are singing now in the morning before sunrise, and we even have tulips and daffodils poking out of the ground, although not close to flowering yet. Some years in February, we get cherry blossoms.
Anyway, let’s look towards the lengthening days, the birds and the trees for hope.
And, for fun, here’s my little 17 second unboxing video. I’ve never done one of these before!
And here’s another one with Kelli and I introducing the book.
Poetry Blog Digest 2023, Week 5 – Via Negativa
[…] Jeannine Hall Gailey, The Early Arrival of Author Copies of Flare, Corona (!!!), Celebrations with Poet Friends, Fun Video… […]