The first two official reviews of She Returns to the Floating World, a Podcast, and Feeling Grateful
Yesterday, I was so excited to see The California Journal of Poetics had a review of She Returns to the Floating World. It was written by a poet whose work I admire very much, Gina Barnard, and she’s obviously an intelligent and thoughtful reviewer as well. (And I know how hard it is to write those reviews! So I doubly appreciate it!) It was my first official review!
Then this morning, I looked at The Rumpus and saw the second official review, this time written by Jessie Carty. I am feeling overwhelmed and grateful!
And J.P. Dancing Bear has posted the podcast of our radio interview from Wednesday night. Here it is:
I am also brimming with happy poetry news for a few of my friends, who have not been able to post up their good news on blogs yet, but I’m looking forward to helping them celebrate soon!
So, the economy may be going to hell, the apocalyptic weather may be keeping us in a rainy netherworld while the rest of the country bakes in 100+ heat, but still these little good things give us hope, keep us going, remind us someone is listening, someone is reading, despite, despite.
A pleasure to hear you read during the podcast. Congratulations on your reviews. I’ve put your book on my next-order list.
Karen J. Weyant
Yay for reviews out there in the world.
And Yay for friends who can’t post their good news yet! 😉