• Sweetie, take good care. Sorry you aren’t feeling well.

    I too admire sci-fi and fantasy poetry. Thanks for the list of your favorite journals. Some new ones for me to look for.

    Love, Lana

    January 14, 2010
  • Sending healing thoughts to you. Feel better soon!

    January 14, 2010
  • I often write poems that are set in a post-apocalyptic world–would journals that publish speculative poetry be interested in those, do you think? I hadn’t ever considered those journals (and their readers) as an audience for my strange visions of a possible nightmare future, but your post made me wonder and think about different possibilities.


    January 15, 2010
  • Thanks Lana! Glad I could help – you should definitely check out those mags!
    Thanks Wendy!
    Kristin – yes, I think so. Speculative poetry is fairly open to anything as long as it has a sci-fi, science, fantasy, mythology, or alternate reality aspect. But check the guidelines – some places only want sci-fi, or mythology, etc.

    January 15, 2010
  • Might check out the early work of Andrew Joron, who started out in speculative poetry and has a degree is history of technology.

    January 16, 2010

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