• J–

    The L.A. Times Book Fesitval happens at UCLA this weekend. Maybe you know this. Marvin and D. St J and many others will present. Pretty much a mob/zoo scene, but kinda fun.

    Let me know what you think of my funky town…


    April 24, 2008
  • You are going to LURVE Virgin America. LOVE IT! It is fantastic. And to do it up CDY style in LA, make sure you have a asian pear mojito instead of lunch one of the days you are there. Who needs extra calories when you’ve got a mojito?!

    April 24, 2008
  • Before long, you will be jetting off to Vegas!

    April 24, 2008
  • I’m assuming that you will be a bit far from us but if you venture down the coast and hit L.A….. you know who to call! The weather is pretty great here. =)

    April 24, 2008
  • Dear Michelle and Gretchen,
    Flying into San Fran and then driving down the coast a bit to Silicon Valley and Montery, not as far as LA this time – but I’m planning to visit in October (maybe we can hook up a reading, Michelle?)
    C. Dale – I will order an asian pear mojito just for you! Vegas could be around the corner…it is sunny there…I’m prepared to become a Virgin convert!

    April 24, 2008
  • Jeanine, I’d love to. Will start knocking on some doors. Let me know specific dates when you got ’em –M

    April 25, 2008

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