• Serbian.

    Congrats on the review.

    February 25, 2008
  • Thanks Jilly! Awesome!

    Now, for the grand prize, can anyone translate the message with my chapbook in it?

    February 25, 2008
  • What a great review! But I don’t know the language that goes along with the picture of your chapbook. There are lots of exclamation points — that’s a good thing, right?

    February 25, 2008
  • Congrats on the review, and on Calyx (a journal I love)!

    I just finished reading that Rachel Zucker book yesterday and really loved it. I want to poke at it some more because I’m really intrigued by how it works as a book, how the sections work together etc.

    And if you’re an underachiever, I may as well just quit … I’m older than any of you and haven’t even got one book out yet! Oh well. (I don’t think either of us is an underachiever, personally; you do what you do when you do it.)

    February 25, 2008

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