• Great pics Jeannine!
    My favorite is of you standing at the lecturn with Becoming the Villainess.
    Hope you had a great time.

    October 05, 2007
  • ka

    You all look terrific!

    October 06, 2007
  • Oh I wish I could have been there!

    October 06, 2007
  • What great photos! Thank you for sharing =)

    October 06, 2007
  • It was great to meet you in person, Jeannine. I have joined the blogging world!

    October 07, 2007
  • I did not know so much gorgeousness was allowed in one room!

    October 07, 2007
  • Thanks Peter! We had a lot of fun.
    Hugs Kels!
    Nin – I’ve heard so many good things – going to get ahold of one of your books pronto!
    Thanks Amanda 🙂
    Great to meet you too Karen, and welcome to the blogging world!
    Oh, Deb, you’re too sweet. I have to say I was in awe around those two poetry supermodels, Aimee and Mary 🙂

    October 07, 2007
  • Yes, great pics. I’d also loved to have been there. We need to get you down to ATL.

    October 09, 2007
  • Now THAT looks like a fun time.

    October 09, 2007
  • Thanks Collin – I’d love to come out to ATL!
    Oliver, see you soon!

    October 10, 2007
  • What fun! Nice to get a look at the old ‘hood.

    October 14, 2007

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