• Too funny– when I saw the name “Richard Siken” on the scheduled, I assumed a very old man. Who was I getting him mixed up with, Charles Simic?

    How was yours and Natasha’s reading?

    Highlights? Will call soon!

    April 22, 2007
  • Ivy

    I am jealous! 🙂 And you’re kicking butt with the readings — yay! Good luck with the last reading for April!

    April 22, 2007
  • Funny, Kels. Our reading went fine, I think too early for most poets, though 😉

    Thanks Ivy!

    April 23, 2007
  • Ah! I missed you JHG! I was there on Saturday, but I didn’t get in until 5:00PM. I only saw one event–the Cave Canem poets. We ended up going out to dinner so I missed you again! Ah well. Are you going to Whidbey for Burning Word?

    April 23, 2007
  • Hey Oliver! I was there til about 4 PM on Saturday – sorry I missed you! No, I’m skipping Burning Word so I can celebrate birthday # 34 in relative peace 🙂
    PS Are you and Rick Barot still planning to read at Soul Food? If so, please send me your bios!

    April 24, 2007
  • I see nothing crossed out! I am such a plebian poem reader! Also, my exclamation points have run away with me! Wah!!!!

    April 24, 2007

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