• CSS and server-side includes? Sounds like a good site to me. šŸ˜‰ These things are supposed to make our lives easier.

    If you’re looking for anything other than a job in academia, let me know and I’ll put the feelers out. I’ve been job searching like a mofo.

    April 19, 2007
  • Thanks AD for the offer! Yes, there seem to be a lot of jobs out there right now, it’s just a matter of finding the right one. Should be easy, right? Hahahaha. If you’re looking out here in the NW, they have a lot of designer and programmer positions, and a lot of tech/programming writing positions. Not so many of those writing/programming/creative hybrid jobs, though.
    Sure, if the CSS looked like any normal 21st century CSS, it would be good. Unfortunately, not.
    And while SSI can be a good thing, again, not these.

    April 19, 2007
  • Hehe, I figured that was the case with the CSS/SSIs.

    As a budding writing/programming/creative type myself, I wonder, have you read this article.

    I think this $10,000 a month for a mostly static site is what we really need, professionally speaking.

    April 19, 2007
  • Sorry about your Sweetie. Wish him well for me.

    See you soon,

    April 19, 2007
  • Ivy

    A review! A review! Thank you, Jeannine. šŸ™‚ Good thoughts for your job hunt and all!

    April 20, 2007

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