• Thank you for your story. It always cheers me to find notice of a post in my inbox.

    The book arrived! I am so happy to have it.

    September 06, 2020
  • There is no such thing as too much Totoro, so you don’t have to worry about that ever again. And hooray for small adventures! I know the feelings you describe – a couple weeks ago, hubby and stopped to get take-out from a local BBQ place and noticed there was one one in the large and shady outdoor seating area, so we did something crazy and took our food to the farthest corner and ATE AT THE RESTAURANT! It felt so weird and scary, but we survived and managed to enjoy it just a little. Maybe we’ll do it again some day. ;-D

    September 09, 2020
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Thank you! I hope it is helpful!

    September 09, 2020
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Thanks Jennifer! Yes, the smallest things feel like thrilling, dangerous adventures now, like whitewater rafting.

    September 09, 2020

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