Where I’ll Be at AWP, A Rhysling Nomination, Managing MS Symptoms and Anxiety Before Big Public Events: AWP Edition
- At March 05, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Where I’ll Be at AWP
First of all, in case you are planning on attending AWP Seattle in, I don’t know, about four-five days, please check out my six tips for surviving AWP Seattle from last week’s post.
And, if you are planning to be here, and you want to say hi, get a book signed, see me read inside a very cool library, or see me talk about disability/chronic illness or publicity, then here’s where I’ll be at AWP! (*BOA’s booth number is 1232) Is this my busiest, most overloaded AWP ever? The answer is yes! Am I nervous about that? The answer is also yes!
Managing MS, Chronic Illness and Anxiety: The AWP Edition
This has been a bit of a week: an unexpected plumbing leak, unexpected emergency dental work, and oh yes, trying to prepare for AWP with MS, my covid worries, and the usual anxiety of how I look/act/speak/fall down a lot but larger because, you know, giant writer’s conference where I’m debuting a new book with a great new publisher and also I haven’t been to since 2019.
A lot of times writers don’t talk about the difficulties involved with the work of being a writer, which includes things like public speaking, publicity, attending conferences. If you have a disability—I use a cane for short distances, and a wheelchair for longer distances, which is obvious, but I also have problems swallowing, breathing, even things like vision and memory, which are less obvious. I also have an immune system deficiency that puts me at high risk for “bad outcomes” as the scholars write—with covid. I’m not ignoring any of that when I say I’m excited about AWP, because I am excited for a chance to see friends, to share my work, to meet my publishers, and all those good things. Am I afraid also of forgetting what I’m saying in the middle of a poem or panel, or saying the wrong word, or falling over unexpectedly, or bursting into tears for no reason (yes, a bizarre MS symptom) or getting MS-overheat-breathing issues in a mask in a close crowded space, or catching something and ending up in the hospital? Am I also afraid of mundane things like people will judge me for my age (I’m not 32 anymore) or weight (hey, you try a long diet of steroids and see how your metabolism does) or clothing (weird, but it has happened to me! Sometimes the world can be so junior high!)
So how do we manage these anxieties? Well, I re-started physical therapy with intense sessions twice a week with a therapist who understandings MS symptom management, I arranged a virtual appointment with my immunologist to talk about “what happens if I actually catch covid,” I practiced reading poetry from my new book (and found it insanely more difficult than I remember? I must be out of practice!) I actually had a PT practice session where I went to mall with noise-cancelling ear plugs and sunglasses (for neurological overload practice – lights, noise, crowds) and interacted with humans, trying on clothing, talking to a salesperson whose parent was a writer, just making small talk. At the end of the hour session at the mall – kind of a dry run for AWP—I was surprisingly tired, and also had an insane need to immediately shower. I have really nice MS therapists who talk to me about my anxiety and prescribe exercises and ways to manage. But in some ways, I just have to trust and jump in. Bad things could happen! But guess what? Maybe the good in this case outweighs the risks? I do love to talk writing and I love my writer friends and it’s just lucky that AWP happened to be in my town exactly when my new book came out. A synergy? A synchronicity? I can’t ignore the positive while swimming in my (somewhat justified) fears. Anyway, if you are dealing with some version of this yourself, I hope this made you feel less alone and less afraid. If you, like me, are coming out of a three-year bubble, yes, this will feel weird, even dangerous. This is just the beginning for me of a bunch of events—yes, in person events—surrounding the launch of Flare, Corona, a book in which I am more vulnerable and open about my health problems than any that I have written. These steps—having a frank discussion with therapists about my anxiety, having a frank discussion about my immune system problems with an immunologist, jumping into regular physical therapy after a long absence, and practicing being inside enclosed spaces with multiple humans I don’t know— are my way of being proactive about things I absolutely don’t control.
A Rhysling Nomination for “Cassandra as Climate Scientist”
A big thank you to whoever nomination me for a Rhysling award for my poem in the California Quarterly, “Cassandra as Climate Scientist.” I have quite a few Cassandra poems that have built up over the last couple of years, and I’m happy this one found a home and someone thought enough to it to nominate it for the Rhysling, which is an award done by the Science Fiction and Speculative Writers Association. I hope you enjoy reading it here.
Countdown to AWP! Six Tips for Surviving AWP Seattle! Also, Flare, Corona’s World Tour Begins, Surprise Snow, Bird Visitors, and a Visit with my Brother
- At February 25, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Surprise Snow and a Countdown to AWP Seattle
Yes, winter has decided to push spring aside a little longer, so we are having snow yet again for the next four days. Here is kitten Charlotte in her first snow. But mostly, I just want spring to be here—warmer weather, a few spring blooms, a little more light.
Besides getting ready for my book launch and AWP Seattle, I broke/sprained/bruised my right hand in two places, which slows everything down. I may have mentioned this is my busiest AWP ever, which makes the hand injury very frustrating and inconvenient. Along with some spring flowers, I’m hoping for some speedy healing in the next two weeks!
Seattle AWP is only ten days away! (My AWP appearance calander is on the right side of the page under Events.)
AWP: First Things First
My first AWP event is Thursday’s signing at the book fair at the BOA booth at 3:30 PM, which has its own little official graphic. I hope to see you there, because I’ll be running around like a madwoman the rest of the conference. I am nervous and excited about meeting my BOA publishing people for the first time, too. I hope I make a good impression! Someone asked me, has having a big publisher (well, relatively big, for poetry) changed your life as a poet? I would say, I’m working harder than usual so I can take advantage of things like better distribution and more marketing support. But I’ll know more once the book launches officially in May. I’m so nervous!
Six Tips for Surviving AWP Seattle (From a Local)
So, I’ll go back to my week in a second, but for those of you who are going to AWP for the first time, here are six tips for surviving AWP from a seasoned pro (well, I started going to AWP in the early 2000s, when it was just a couple thousand people.) And this AWP might have a little bit of extra anxiety for those of you, like me, who haven’t attended AWP since the pandemic started.
- If you are nervous about the pandemic, so am I! Bring masks for high interaction areas, talk to your doctor before you go about an action plan if you do get covid (hey, it happens, and being prepared when you’re away from home is safer than not) and practice things like washing your hands during breaks. If you are high risk, consider limiting your time at crowded events and try to get outside a bit in between things. That’s what I’ll be doing.
- Speaking of which, even in non-pandemic years, I always recommend getting outside for a bit! Go meet someone for coffee (hey, we’re famous for it!), take an Uber to the Seattle Japanese Garden, Kerry Park or Pike Place Market, stop in at Open Books (our local poetry-only bookstore). If you love surreal pop art, check out the amazing Roq La Rue Gallery or take in more traditional art at the Seattle Art Museum. Check out the architecture at the downtown Seattle Library (I’ll be giving an offsite reading there Thursday evening)! I love AWP but stale conference center air and florescent lighting can make anyone feel a little less than their best, and Seattle is a beautiful city to explore, and it seems a shame to miss it. (Safety talk: Do take precautions in the downtown corridor after dark like you would in any downtown area—Seattle used to be very low in crime, but it has ticked up in recent years.)
- Hydrate—it’s always too hard to find cold water or hot coffee inside the center, so bring your own thermos or water bottle, and don’t forget lip balm and maybe even a travel moisturizer. Washing your hands and using hand sanitizer is hard on the hands. I also keep a face spray (like Tower 28 SOS travel spray) in my purse because it feels great after wearing a mask for any length of time.
- Arrange to see your friends! Find a time to get together so you can catch up—I see people I sometimes only see every few years, so it’s a great opportunity.to build friendships, and sometimes that’s more important.
- Don’t feel guilty about sneaking back to your room for a nap, or just a little alone time. Especially after being pretty isolated for three years, expect to experience some sensory overload. Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to be “on” 24/7. Remember to eat and drink at appropriate intervals—this one always gets away from me.
- Be kind to others, and to yourselves. A lot of us are feeling awkward, what with real shoes instead of slippers and getting their new glasses prescriptions updated after three years. Have you forgotten how to make small talk or remember what’s the exact right way to address your former professor/student/friend from grad school fifteen years ago? Everyone else is probably experiencing those exact same things. Relax, breathe, and try to have some fun—after all, AWP is really about connecting with other writers and people who love writing.
Flare, Corona on Its First Stop on Its World Tour – and a Visit to My Little Brother – with Space Needle
I got this wonderful picture from my friend John Campos who took my book on his vacation to Mexico for a little light reading. Thanks John! The adventure begins! Please send me more pics of my book in different locations if you get a chance. And cats!
Made the trip downtown this week to spend some time with my little brother, where we stopped to have coffee in the lobby of the hip hotel Citizen, gave him a copy of my book and spent some time high up getting pictures on a cold windy night with the Space Needle. I realized there is still a lot of downtown I don’t explore on a regular basis (hello strip club across from a Sephora!) and that the Convention Center has been totally redone since the last AWP Seattle so I’ll have to relearn some of the layout. Also figuring out cool hotel bars/coffee shops in walking distance to the Convention Center is important. So even though we got blown around a bit (I almost fell over the wind was so strong! I felt like Mary Poppins!) it was great to traverse the streets on foot pre-AWP. Plus, my brother is always fun to hang out with, and I was so excited to share my book with him.
- Glenn, me and Mike with Space Needle
- Glenn and Mike in Citizen lobby
- My brother and I in the lobby with my new book!
Getting Ready for AWP: New Glasses, New Hair, New Book, and Getting Used to Hugs Again
- At February 19, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Getting Ready for AWP
It’s a few weeks before AWP, and I’m trying to prep as much as possible beforehand. I was thinking that AWP for me feels like a kind of re-entry ritual. I went to the eye doctor and got a new prescription—I’d been squinting for at least a year without going in for a check, but I decided to bite the bullet, get the news that yes, my prescription had changed, and got some new frames too.
I also decided to try permanent pink at a professional’s hand—a process that took two hours compared to the twenty minutes it took to do temporary color at home. But I thought, maybe it was time. I’ve been trying on clothing, figuring out outfits, getting rid of things that are worn out or don’t fit, and making sure I had comfortable walking shoes that will work for AWP. For so long I’ve been living in fuzzy slippers! I’m throwing out old makeup and trying out new stuff—I even went inside a IRL store (Blue Mercury, which just opened near our house) to try some things on in person, instead of just ordering online and hoping things worked.
I realized at our last book club—which was a lot of fun—that I wasn’t used to things like hugs, or people talking to me too close—after several years of being extremely cautious, social distancing, etc. But a small group at a winery is pretty low-risk compared to AWP—so it’s good practice, and I left after feeling really cheered by good conversation (and a few book sales!) So, I am looking forward to social interaction, even though I’m still a little anxious about it.
And It’s Not Just AWP…Birthdays, Parent Visits, and Book Launches
I have my parents coming to visit for the first time in six years, and my 50th birthday to plan, as well as the official release of Flare, Corona. So, I have to get my house in order (carpet cleaning in the basement? Yes! Getting rid of junk in the basement? Also yes!) I haven’t even started with sending out my book cards or my e-mail book announcement yet, so it’s weird that I have a stack of books already. It’s kind of nice that my publisher is so ahead of the game.
I also have a frenetic kitten in my life—yesterday morning she decided when we let her out on our back porch, to fully jump into the birdbath, which we then had to immediately transfer her to her very first bath. This kitten is adorable and cuddly sometimes, and a bitey/scratchy machine at other times. And as far as turning 50, mostly I’ve been “celebrating” that by a ton of doctor appointments who want to check in on my thyroid, my hormones, my bleeding disorder, my liver…well, just lots of things that you have to test when you get to a certain age. My year so far has been filled with doctor appointments, which are occasionally useful, like my MS doctor who just ordered home physical therapy for me, which will be great, and some anti-fatigue medications, most of which I am nervous about taking. I have been watching a lot of friends contend with serious medical problems in themselves, their kids, and their spouses, so keeping up your network of doctors (especially post-pandemic, when so many of them have left/retired/gone on sabbatical) is actually important.
And I’ve been setting up book launches around town—one at a winery in Woodinville, one at Open Books, and now also one at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park (keep an eye on my calendar). I even have a virtual reading in New York State set up. All this, and trying not to catch covid, or break anything, or have any health crises before all these events. We don’t control everything, but I’m trying to be careful and conscious. I’m also hoping the winter ends soon as we can see spring instead of snow. I can just hope for the best, and hope I might see some of you soon.
Where I’ll Be at AWP, Almost Valentine’s, the Poetics of Wrongness, and Flare Corona Makes Its Way into the World – and a First Review
- At February 12, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Where I’ll Be at AWP
AWP is just around the corner, and I think this must be the busiest AWP I’ve ever had! The new book is out, I’ll be doing signings at the BOA table, I’m doing an offsite reading, and two panels.
What are you doing in preparation for AWP? I just got my eye exam (needed a new prescription, thanks aging!) so I’ll have new (properly working) glasses for AWP, I’m trying on clothing and making sure things fit, I’ve booked a hotel, and am trying to get as healthy as possible beforehand.
Almost Valentine’s Day and the Poetics of Wrongness
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, which this year will fall on a snowy Tuesday. I am ready for spring, not more snow! Glenn got me some beautiful tulips and put together a little tableau with my new book. Wine, tulips, a good book—what more could I ask for on a winter’s day?
Speaking of which, I got an advanced copy of Rachel Zucker’s The Poetics of Wrongness, which is a series of essay/lectures about things that are wrong—for instance, even the idea of a lecture! It’s thought-provoking and enjoyable reading, especially if you’ve read some of Zucker’s other prose (or follow her podcast).
The cats decided spontaneously to pose with her book and our little tableau, here:
- Charlotte, Sylvia, the Poetics of Wrongness, and tulips
- Secrets We Kept – February’s book
Also upcoming this week: J. Bookwalter’s Read Between the Wines Book Club, 6 PM Wednesday the 15th, the Day after Valentine’s Day! Prepare to get cozy and discuss this literary spy thriller, The Secrets We Kept, about the origins of Dr. Zhivago! So if you don’t have any post-Valentine’s plan, come in for some wine and book talk on the 15th.
The Book Makes Its Way into the World
Since I got my author copies early, I was able to send out a few copies pre-AWP, including to my parents in Ohio. You can see my mother (isn’t she cute?) holding the book to the left. A few other people let me know they received the book safely as well, so it’s making its way all over the place. Here’s a lovely early review from my friend Lesley Wheeler: Flares, small and celestial—LESLEY WHEELER!
I’m starting to book readings and things into June! I’m up for virtual class visits (or in person, in the Seattle area) as well. If you want a signed copy, I’ll be signing them at the BOA table on the Thursday afternoon of AWP! And you can order your signed copy now here: Flare, Corona @ Webbish6.
I hope you will have a good week ahead! Stay warm and take good care out there! Here’s a deer visitor to our yard to remind you – spring is ahead! Soonish!
The Early Arrival of Author Copies of Flare, Corona (!!!), Celebrations with Poet Friends, Fun Videos, Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day/Groundhog Day and the Sun’s Slow Return
- At February 04, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Surprise! Early Arrival of Flare, Corona Author Copies!
Well, this week held a happy surprise: three boxes of books arrived at my door yesterday morning! Since the book’s official release date is several months down the line in spring, I was happy but also felt that I was suddenly behind on everything related to the book.
The book is bigger and more square and substantial feeling than all of my previous books (which should make shipping more interesting), but it felt absolutely terrific to be holding a book that was six years in the making—and contains some of my most vulnerable work, from the most challenging time in my life.
I tried my hand at making videos again (this time, a short unboxing video) and took pictures of the cats with my book. I was so overwhelmed I felt literally light-headed! If you want a copy, it’s still early, but you can get a signed copy from me here or order directly from BOA Editions here. I’ll also be signing copies at AWP and of course there will be launches in Seattle and Woodinville later in the spring.
- Me with Flare, Corona
- Kitten Charlotte with Flare, Corona
- Sylvia with Flare, Corona
Celebrating with Poet Friends
I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate with my poet friend Kelli Russell Agodon. We had been meaning to get together for a while, so we also celebrated her (January) birthday along with the new book! We had champagne, strawberry cupcakes, a huge plate of veggies, and just generally had a great time catching up. I was thinking about the importance of having other writers who support and encourage you along the way—the rejections, the reviews, the acceptances and (occasionally) prizes and publications. Someone who knows exactly what you’ve been through and has gone through a lot of the same things.
The pandemic has been hard on extroverts like me, and although I’ve made efforts to keep socializing a bit, I am really looking forward to reconnecting with more writer friends, not just at the upcoming AWP in Seattle, but this spring and summer as I start reading and having parties. I am in the mood to celebrate life, and hopefully the pandemic will become less dangerous as scientists develop more effective treatment, so I can actually do that safely.
- Me and Kelli with champagne and Flare, Corona copy
- Kelli’s birthday toast
- Kelli, Charlotte and me
Imbolc/St. Brigid’s Day/Groundhog Day and the Slow Return of the Sun
January was a rough month for me, and for many of my friends, so here’s hoping for the return of the light—celebrated symbolically on Imbolc and St. Brigid’s Day—and better things ahead.
I always look forward to the spring, and never more than this year. I just feel something is changing for the better, besides the earth’s core stopping spinning and whatnot (hey, I can’t stop paying attention to everything!), and I feel thankful—thankful—to be approaching my 50th birthday this April. Really, for someone like me, it’s a surprise and a privilege to have survived this long. The book—Flare, Corona—talks about a time that I really thought—and I had been told by prominent specialists—I wasn’t going to make it past 43. I thought about what I could be thankful for.
Groundhog Day is a less old and revered holiday than Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day, and this year, the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, though he’s correct only 30 something percent of the time. I’m hoping to see flowers, and some later sunsets, and warmer weather so we can get out into nature more frequently. Hoping for less snow this winter, and fewer fires this fall.
This pileated woodpecker is a reminder that if we just pay attention, beauty is right outside our window. The birds are singing now in the morning before sunrise, and we even have tulips and daffodils poking out of the ground, although not close to flowering yet. Some years in February, we get cherry blossoms.
Anyway, let’s look towards the lengthening days, the birds and the trees for hope.
And, for fun, here’s my little 17 second unboxing video. I’ve never done one of these before!
And here’s another one with Kelli and I introducing the book.
Sad news about a Seattle poet, Red-Winged Blackbirds and Superhero Poems, and Some Vision Boards and Kitten Pics to Cheer Us Up
- At January 29, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
A January Post with Sad News About a Seattle Poet
I meant this to be an upbeat blog post but it’s hard to feel upbeat and I want to be authentic in this blog. I was sick all week (hence the lack of selfies) and it was cold and foggy out, absolutely the kind of weather you don’t want to go out in. I had a strange harbinger—a beautiful juvenile red-winged blackbird at my feeder, which I thought was unusual (they don’t usually visit feeders). Then tonight I learned about the death of a poet/friend/editor of Menacing Hedge, Kelly Boyker Guillemette. She was also a Seattle poet, so it impacts this community that I live in. I was sad I didn’t get to tell her how much I appreciated her, or even get to have coffee with her, just to visit. This pandemic has been so isolating, I realize, that I’ve lost touch with friends I shouldn’t have.
The news has been pretty relentlessly terrible, too. Outside today we had some sunshine, and I had been in bed, barely leaving the house even to get the mail this week with cold, miserable fog every day, so I took a short walk, but in the end, it was too cold to stay out long. I noticed how fallow everything was—all my usual walks, usually with some flowers or greenery even in winter, looked unusually barren. January is a hard month for many reasons. Anyway, readers, hug your friends and editors, tell them you appreciate them, buy them a coffee.
Superhero Poems and Being a Poetry Influence
A friend sent me a notice about a poem featured on the Poetry Foundation site this week he thought I would like, a poem called “Chinese Female Kung-Fu Superheroes” by Teresa Mei Chuc that bears a little resemblance to a poem of mine called “Female Comic Book Superheroes” from my first book, Becoming the Villainess. And look at the end of the poem. I was really…touched. It’s cool that a poem you wrote over sixteen years ago could inspire someone now. And it’s a really fun poem, and it was featured on Poetry Foundation’s web site. Anyway, it made me feel simultaneously old and happy that someone had found the poem and been inspired to write their own commentary on kick-ass superheroines in a completely different decade.
Vision Boards and Kitten Pictures
Remember when I said up at the top this was going to be an upbeat post? And it was supposed to be! I was going to post pictures of kitten Charlotte as she’s getting bigger and healthier and pictures of the vision board I barely squeaked into January, just under the wire for 2023. You might notice some themes in the visuals—butterflies, foxes, and typewriters, which all feature in most of my vision boards in some way. I am also hoping and hopefully manifesting more parties, more healthy days in the year, and of course, hoping the new book will connect with an audience in a positive way.
I enjoy doing these kinds of artistic/craft projects even though I am no collage artist, because it requires me to do things I don’t normally do, like wield a glue stick with poster board and scissors, to think visually instead of linguistically.
Kitten Charlotte underneath the vision board (it has her teeth marks on it already…)
I am feeling sentimental tonight and playing the song “Turn Turn Turn” by the Birds. The weather report swears the sunset will happen after 5 PM this week. My garden and trees that look bare and brown now will (hopefully) be full of color in spring. The older cat, Sylvia, in sitting on my lap as I type this, reminding me not to be too sad (she is good at picking up on emotional distress). Let’s hope February brings more love, more light, more health, and more hope to us all.
New Poems in California Quarterly, Book Galleys/ARCs, Winery Book Club Report, and Setting Goals for…Poetry Books?
- At January 22, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
New Poems in California Quarterly
First of all, a big thank you to California Quarterly for publishing two of my poems in their latest Winter 2022 issue, including “Cassandra as Climate Scientist” and “She Learns to Become Fire.”
Here’s a sneak peek at “Cassandra as Climate Scientist:”
An Exciting Milestone: The Galley/ARC of Flare, Corona is Here!
Yes, as you can see, the cats are equally excited about the new galley/ARC of Flare, Corona, which means the real book isn’t that far out anymore. Eek!
That means I need to start planning events and other things around the book launch and AWP. I’m starting to list readings and events here on the site at the right side of the page. The list will be growing!
By the way, if you want your own galley/ARC for review or academic course adoption, you can contact BOA Editions! Please send your review copy request directly to Genevieve Hartman, Director of Development & Publicity, at hartman@boaeditions.org.
Winery Book Club Report – Hell of a Book
On a cold January night, it was a pleasure to cozy up with some wine, cheese, and Glenn’s madeleines to talk about Jason Mott’s terrific book Hell of a Book. We had a great discussion, ending in a lot of laughter, and our next book is the literary spy thriller The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott, and we’ll meet the day after Valentine’s Day at J. Bookwalter’s in Woodinville at 6 PM (in case you want to join us). A spy thriller is the perfect thing to read in the wintertime.
I’ve really enjoyed being part of the local community, learning more about books and wine at the same time (do I like non-oaky Chardonnay? Yes!) This will also be the location of my Woodinville book launch/birthday celebration in April, and I hope I can introduce some of my Seattle friends to a great local winery (with wines named after book things – Double Plot is the name of the Chardonnet I like, for instance).
Anyway, this has been a great way to help make friends in my neighborhood too, and find some people talk books with on a regular basis. I’m thankful to have a little social practice before AWP, too!
Setting Goals…For Your Poetry Book?
I was talking to my little brother this week and he asked me what my goals were for my upcoming book. I hemmed and hawed a little bit, because honestly, I hadn’t really thought a lot in those terms. Isn’t creating the book, finding a publisher, and helping the book get into the world enough of a goal? But of course, my little brother is very practical and ambitious and wants to know what I want to happen with Flare, Corona. I guess when I close my eyes and dream, I hope to connect with a bigger audience, hope to have some good reviews in good places (whatever we think those are right now), hope to, yes, have some book sales (part of that whole reaching a bigger audience thing). I hope that people with MS or difficult diagnoses will find some comfort or fellowship in these poems. I hope it wins a big book prize, too! Do we dare to hope for big media coverage—a radio or television appearance, or being picked by a big book club?
I actually posted this question on Facebook and heard lots of people’s views on whether or not we should even have goals for our poetry books, what they might be for each person, and how overwhelming it can be for poets (who often want to separate the art from the promotion part) to even think about what they are actually hoping to have happen. It can feel overly ambitious to even dream of some of these things. Some just want to focus on the work, which I totally understand, and totally reject even the idea of having goals for a book. But I think it helps me to imagine a future for my little book, that goes beyond just me and my friends and family. And my little brother’s right in some ways—if you have no goals, do you think you might act differently? Plan differently?
One goal I had for this year was to be more social, to have a 50th birthday celebration with friends, to enjoy more things and worry less. How to balance this with everything else? I want to press the brakes on the things that are no fun—MRIs, blood draws, doctor appointments. How do you inject more fun into a life that feels like for three years it’s been nothing but anxiety? It’s tough. Anyway, yes, poetry goals are hard to crystallize or analyze—and maybe that’s okay. Art for art’s sake is totally fine! But maybe it is worth thinking—hey, what do I want to accomplish with this particular piece of writing? What is in my control and out of my control? For writers, a lot of it is out of our hands—but not everything. Anyway, I will report back with more ideas about goals as I come up with them…
Healthier Kittens and Sicker Me, New Hair and Imagining 2023: Re-Entry Fears
- At January 15, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
The Second Week of the New Year: Healthier Kittens, Sicker Me, New Hair and Imagining 2023: Re-Entry Anxiety
So, if you read last week’s blog post, you know I was up most nights taking care of two kitties who both made Emergency Vet Hospital Visits, and then as soon as they were better, I got sick. Not covid or flu, but sick enough. I’m just now getting back to normal so yesterday I got my hair done (a little shorter and blonder?) and thought about 2023 (including making some event plants for my birthday and the book launch).
We did have a rare sunny day yesterday, during which we finally took down our outdoor holiday lights and walked around a little bit around the wineries. Our kitties seem totally recovered and are getting along a little better, thank goodness. And people have been asking for more kitten pictures, so here you go!
- Sylvia in box, with kitten in background
- Charlotte in box
- Me with kitten Charlotte (who’s getting bigger!)
Anxieties about Re-Entry: 2023 Edition, Including AWP and Turning 50
I had two goals in 2023, not resolutions, but loose ambitions, one was doing Tai Chi every day (fair to middling), and the other was trying to write a poem a day and do a submission a day (also fair to middling, given the cat drama and getting sick as a dog).
I haven’t been out and about much in the last few years, so here is a list of anxieties I’m experiencing about the upcoming year, AWP, and my 50th birthday and book launch:
- Covid (which I still haven’t gotten) and masking, Evushield’s lack of ability to protect from new variants.
- Clothing – I have been living in sparkly tops, yoga pants, and slippers for three years, and now the respectable clothes in my closet are outdated, too big or too small. I also have a real issue wearing uncomfortable clothing again (pinchy shoes, jeans, don’t even think about shapewear, etc.). And I haven’t shopped in a store for a long while.
- Socializing – How do we do it? I literally can’t remember how to do small talk. Is it harder with a mask? Yes. Is it time to take off the mask? Probably not just yet…
- Turning 50: I’ve decided to celebrate this milestone instead of dreading it, so I’m having a party on my actual birthday. Do I look 50? Am I dressing correctly for a 50-year-old? Also, can I still have pink hair? The rules are different now than they were when I was a kid. I do know that I see living this long as a real victory, for someone who has been told she was going to die by multiple doctors not so long ago. Hey, every year above ground is a good year.
- Launching a book (still) during a pandemic: so, how does one plan a book launch when there’s still sort of pandemic conditions and you worry you’ve forgotten everything about doing book promotion (are there still book festivals, for instance? If so, which are disability friendly? Can I do college class visits virtually? How much travel can I do as someone with MS and a junk immune system before the body crashes? So many questions…and the first phase of 2023’s publicity efforts for Flare, Corona will really start soon. (In the meantime, check out BOA’s new book page for my book, with blurbs and a sample poem!)
What about you? What are you feeling about 2023? Do you feel this weird re-entry anxiety, or is it just me? Some of you have already re-entered. How is it out there? How about promoting books right now? Anyway, use the comments to vent, suggest, etc.
First Week of the New Year, Cat and Weather Dramas, and Prepping for the New Book in a New Year
- At January 08, 2023
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
First Week of the New Year!
This is a photo Glenn took on New Year’s Day. He always tries to take a writer photo of me on New Year’s Day. Well, we definitely had enough sparkles to do it, and the hyacinths smelled amazing. I had moderately high goals for the first month of the new year—a daily Tai Chi practice, writing a poem a day, and submitting once a day.
Much of this was thrown into chaos, first by weather drama (power outages with wind and rainstorms and flooding, which was worse in California than here) and then by kitty drama. The new kitten started acting really strange on Thursday, shaking her head and growling. After $1000 of vet bills, we figured out she’d eaten litter and now she’s back to normal. Immediately after that, my sweet six-year-old cat Sylvia stopped eating, and it turned out she’d eaten new kitten food she was violently allergic to, and after two days at the Emergency Vet, she’s almost back to normal now. So now we are poorer and I was so stressed out—hey, when I go to the ER and get nausea meds, blood work and IV fluids, it’s actually cheaper than the cats! And it’s less stressful when it’s me! I just go to pieces when Glenn has health problems, and it turns out, the cats too. So I am genuinely exhausted emotionally. But still managed to write a few poems and send out a couple of submissions! (Tai chi, I’ll see you again this afternoon.)
So here are a few pictures of the baby kitten Charlotte home from the vet, and another pic of me on New Year’s day (more pics of little Sylvia to come next week):
- Glenn with shoulder kitten
- Kitten sleeping on my arm
- Me with hyacinths
- Holding paws with Charlotte
Prepping for the New Book in a New Year
So, it’s January and that means it’s almost March and the Seattle AWP, and almost May and my book’s official launch! I am setting up readings and (ahem) birthday parties in May, AWP is almost all filled up with book signings and panels and of course I have to build in some time to do the bookfair.
So, what can I do at this point for the book? Given that I have a great team at BOA that does some of the publicity for me?
Well, for one, I can (and did) order the book cards I send out by hand every time I have a book come out. I think of it like a personal invite to read the book. I can send out an e-mail newsletter. I can start thinking about booking local readings. (I already have! Stay tuned!) I bought an ad in Poets & Writers, and I even hired an outside PR person from the Pacific Northwest—Heather Brown, at Mind the Bird media, who a couple of friends had good experiences with—to help me throughout the launch of the book. Because even though I literally wrote a book on doing PR for your own book, it can be exhausting to do everything on your own, especially if you (or your husband, or family, or even pets) have health problems that suck up a lot of time and energy. I hope it’s worth it, but the best thing about it is that it’s a learning experience for me—what is the difference between doing everything yourself and having help? I interviewed a lot of PR people for the book, but it’s different actually working with people who do PR for a living on the regular. And of course, I have my PR person at BOA too. So it’s a big difference than the last five books. I’ll be interested to see how it affects sales and reviews. Maybe it won’t? Maybe it will? I hope so!
Things I could be doing: I could be writing articles to place in magazines, though I haven’t yet. I could be putting out some calls on social media to see if people want an ARC or e-galley of the book (which I have done once!) How can you be sure you’re doing enough for your book? The answer is, even with a team, you can never be sure. If you’re a workaholic and achievement oriented, it can be overwhelming. I’m hoping not to have that stress this time around. I hope that I’ll have info after this that will help me write an update to my PR for Poets book! Will Twitter still exist when I publish the next version of the book? Will all book promotion be done on a platform that doesn’t exist yet? Stay tuned!
Anyway, if you are like me and in the middle of getting ready to launch a book during a pandemic, please leave your comments, complaints, and helpful tips. It’s been some years since my last book, and it’s a totally different world!
Happy New Year! Holiday Lights, Setting Intentions and Dates, Ad in Poets & Writers, Kitten Charlotte, Brother Visits and Kelly Davio’s The Unreal Woman
- At December 31, 2022
- By Jeannine Gailey
- In Blog
Happy New Year! Holiday Lights, Setting Intentions, and More
Happy New Year everyone! Tonight we’re celebrating with my brother and sister-in-law. This week we tried to get out and about a bit, despite the rain, and see the holiday lights at the Bellevue Botanical Garden. I received the “Inspiration” issue of Poets & Writers and it has my little book ad in it.
The kitten Charlotte is getting used to her new human and kitty companions, and even posed with my friend Kelly Davio’s new book. I’ll post that along with a mini-review later on in the post.
What are your New Year traditions? Do you make resolutions? Goals? Set intentions? Make a vision board with cut-outs? Do you think about the year past, things you’ve accomplished, things you missed out on? Do you think about what you’re looking forward to in 2023? I can tell you I am already planning my book launch/50th birthday party in April, looking forward to seeing friends at AWP, and hopefully doing some virtual visits with friends and campuses in other states. I think it will be the most social year for me since the pandemic started, and that will be good for my mental health (we’ll see about the physical.) I’m hopeful for a kinder, gentler year, a happier, friendlier populace, even though that might be a stretch.
Holiday Lights
One of my traditions – that had been thwarted by bomb cyclones, ice storms, record-breaking cold, snow storms, and heavy rain since Thanksgiving – is going to see the holiday lights around town. So we finally found a brief (and I mean, thirty minutes brief) break in the rain to go to the Bellevue Botanical Gardens to see their terrific Garden d’Lights display, which is all animal and plant figures, and takes volunteers months to set up. It was cold, and a little more crowded than is ideal, but it was still fun and made me feel like we got to enjoy the holidays during our break a little bit. Here are some shots of undersea creatures, a field of sunflowers with the city of Bellevue in the background, and a dragon.
- Undersea scene
- Sunflowers with Bellevue lights in background
- Water dragon
New Literary Kittens and Kelly Davio’s Unreal Woman
Kitten Charlotte is definitely starting to feel more comfortable with us; Sylvia is starting to feel (slightly) more comfortable with the new kitten. But she’s already making her debut as a literary kitten!
Here she poses with Kelly Davio’s new poetry book from Broken Sleep Press, The Book of the Unreal Woman. It’s a sharp, funny portrait of disability and chronic illness, a rebuke to the ad logo of the “real woman,” poems which feature an action hero facing surgeons instead of supervillains, praise songs to disinfectants. This book shimmers with energy, with anger, with the desire to keep living despite odds against her. Kitten Charlotte, our newest literary kitten review, loved it and quoted that it was “delicious.” Get your copy! They ship direct to the US!
- Charlotte with Kelly’s book
- Charlotte trying to eat Kelly’s book
- Sylvia and Charlotte
Ad in Poets & Writer and a Small New Year’s Eve Party
Very excited to have a small ad in the “Inspiration” issue of Poets & Writers – usually my favorite issue of the year, as I could always use more inspiration in gray January.
I also signed up to write a poem a day in January with some friends, which hopefully will be good for my creative brain. Tonight we have cherry upside down cake, salmon to grill, champagne, frozen grapes and balloons and New Year’s crowns for our little celebration tonight with my little brother and his wife – since the pandemic, we haven’t done much to celebrate New Year’s, and I wanted to feel like it was really a holiday this year. (Along with the traditional watching of When Harry Met Sally.) We’re ready to celebrate the end of another pretty hard year, and hopefully the beginning of a slightly easier one. What about you? A sigh of relief at this year’s end? Are you feeling anxious or anticipatory about 2023? Wishing all my readers a healthy, happy, and surprisingly delightful New Year!