• Lesley Wheeler

    Happy birthday! I agree about your book likes and dislikes. I’m in the middle of the last book in the Wolf Hall series, and since it’s in the 1500s there are plagues and fevers galore. I love being in Thomas Cromwell’s head; Mantel’s version of him is so smart and sane, able to see all the disasters coming and grieve them but also strategize for them. I’ll miss his company.

    April 26, 2020
  • Happy birthday—our youngest granddaughter’s birthday was just the other day. Her preschool teacher drew a rainbow on the sidewalk just outside.

    May you continue dreaming in color!

    April 26, 2020
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Thank you Jan!

    April 26, 2020
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Wolf Hall! Good choice!

    April 26, 2020
  • […] Jeannine Hall Gailey, Birthdays During Quarantine, First Pink Dogwood and Goldfinch, Finding Hope In the Apocalypse […]

    April 26, 2020

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