One comment

  • Alison H.

    Wonderful post, Jeannine. My youngest son is an artist, trying to survive in NYC, so I am continually waking up to what he does and what’s out there. He says it’s all monochrome in NYC, and he likes color, so sees the writing on the wall for him as an artist–he will return to the West Coast in time.Thank you for sharing this poignant art. “Death and the Maiden”–OMG! // Being in nature is good, and also connecting with the earth. Our dog lies on the ground outside every day (“earthing”) for some period of time. You could try walking around barefoot outside for 5 minutes a day, or lying on the ground. I have lain on the beach for 15 min., after having flu for some days, and when I got up, felt myself to be healed, all soreness gone. I love that you were carded! My last time was 4 years ago… my round face, long hair and covered neck must have concealed my aging, LOL! Stay positive through the tests…Remind us when you are preparing to undergo so we can send positive energy. <3

    August 07, 2016

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