• Love the poem. Feels like a modern fairy tale.

    January 17, 2011
  • How wonderful to hear your voice. Esp interesting to hear the slight differences from the recorded version and the printed one: “wicked” for “evil”, “a shrine / in ice” vs. “in the ice” — love it!

    January 17, 2011
  • Thanks Sandy! That’s exactly what I was going for.
    Thanks Marie – ha! I hadn’t even noticed reading it differently, but I’m known to do that at readings as well. Students always ask, why’d you read something different? I always say, I don’t know, at every reading the poem sort of reinvents itself…

    January 17, 2011
  • Thanks Sandy! That’s exactly what I was going for.
    Thanks Marie – ha! I hadn’t even noticed reading it differently, but I’m known to do that at readings as well. Students always ask, why’d you read something different? I always say, I don’t know, at every reading the poem sort of reinvents itself…

    January 17, 2011
  • Anonymous

    Hi Jeannine,

    Thank for your comment on the 32 Poems blog. Would you like to turn that into a blog post for us?

    32 Poems

    January 17, 2011
  • Dear Deb,
    Sure! And I can add more from the hilarious missteps of my youth at AWP!

    January 17, 2011

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