• Ann

    Eastern goldfinches do like sunflower seeds, and I see them often on my sunflowers. I let the sunflowers stay even when they look dry and dead because the birds still perch on them and peck at seeds. I don’t know whether the western goldfinch is a different variety or what its tastes are, though.

    I hate to state the cliched and obvious about balance (between the “good” things and the “bad” ones), but I suppose it’s true. I prefer to think of the events in life as some sort of continuum that just happens–and it is we human beings who analyze/compare the good or badness of things.

    As a person who needs to get a LOT of blood tests, maybe I’m weird but I find the process fascinating. (I do not think I’d feel fascinated by chemo, though.)

    I hope you feel better and get better health news soon.

    June 10, 2018
  • […] I write about the good things in my life but I have also tried to share some of the bad parts, too, because I don’t want to try to pretend. No one’s life is perfect. Every writer or creative person struggles first to create, then get their creations into the world, then the responses to their creations – then the cycle starts again. Chronic illness takes a toll. I carefully construct an image – you don’t often see pictures of me in the hospital, getting blood drawn or getting yet another MRI, or the days when I feel too bad to get out of bed. But that doesn’t mean bad days don’t happen – of course they do. Just a reminder that we should have compassion for each other, for ourselves, because no matter what a life looks like on the outside, each of us has days when it can all seem like too much. Jeannine Hall Gailey, Speculative Poetry Interview and A Guest Blog Post on PR for Poets – Getting Out of Your Comfort Z… […]

    June 10, 2018

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