• Oh, man, Jeannine. Thinking of you.

    February 06, 2016
  • Jan Priddy

    Oh, my dear. You are a reminder to us all with your style and grace, sharing your wisdom in poetry and real life. I hold you in my thoughts. ❤

    February 06, 2016
  • oh Jeannine! I’m thinking of you too and sending hopes that the pain will go and the news will be good news.

    You are an inspiration to me too, always.



    February 06, 2016
  • Hang in there, Jeannine. As I recently found out with my diagnosis, whatever it is you can get through it. You can do it! And maybe it won’t be as bad as you are worrying about right now. Sending prayers, love, and light your way!

    February 06, 2016
  • Lynn Pedersen

    Thinking about you, Jeannine, and sending good energy your way!

    February 06, 2016
  • Suzanne Edison

    This is the BIG LIFE INTRUSION that most of us will get someday. And you are so right that it flips our perspective and I’m grateful you are writing about it. It is always a wake-up call when a friend or family member is stricken with unwanted health news. I am keeping fingers crossed that it will be something else. In the meantime, lots of hugs to you.

    February 06, 2016
  • I hope your expiration date is many decades in the future. Keeping you in my thoughts (and prayers too, if that’s cool with you).

    February 06, 2016
  • Thinking of you – sending hope and courage across the miles. And love. Lots of love.

    February 06, 2016
  • Sian

    Thinking of you and hoping you get some better news in the coming days. If I can help in any way, just say so. xxx

    February 06, 2016
  • Wise reflections in the face of a scary situation. I’ll be thinking about you and maintaining hope for good news as you await further test results. Thank you so much, Jeannine, for writing about what you’re going through.

    February 06, 2016
  • Carol lynn Grellas

    Dear Jeannine
    I am keeping you in my prayers and my heart. You are and continue to be an inspiration to me not only in your beautiful writing but in your zest for life, your generous spirit and grace. You are a wonderful mentor and friend. Sending you love and hugs.
    Carol Lynn

    February 06, 2016
  • Oh love I am keeping all my fingers crossed and have lit the little Red candle for your safekeeping. Doctors! What do they know. xoxox

    February 06, 2016
  • So keeping you in my thoughts this weekend, and wishing you strength for the wait ahead (I agree with Rebecca Loudon — doctors…what do they know!)

    February 06, 2016
  • Yes it is why we write! And your courage to do so is admirable. Sending you good thoughts and prayers.

    February 06, 2016
  • This August I went to the ER for the first time because I was having abdominal pain. I was dismissed in a really confounding and terrible way, but the CT scan showed some abnormalities. Turns out some of my organs had been fusing together, and I had a sarcoma in my abdomen–they actually thought it was endometriosis, but when they went in, they discovered something scarier. I am not saying this to make it scarier for you–my lumps was removed and I will continue to be monitored but it’s highly treatable with more surgery or radiation or chemo–but to just say that I hear you. My mother was aghast because she thinks I’ve sort of used up a lot of medical difficulties, but all I can say is that I’m still here and will be for the long haul. I hope that continues to be true for you! Sending all good thoughts.

    February 06, 2016
  • Jeannine Gailey

    Thank you so much for your good thoughts, prayers, and encouragement. They mean so much to me. I’m still feeling pretty lousy today (solid food still = bad) so these really cheered me up.

    February 06, 2016
  • thinking of you and hoping the news is much less dire than you fear —

    February 06, 2016
  • Michael Schein

    Jeannine! There’s much love & respect for you in the poetry community. You are held in a big group hug. Your courage is shining thru your writing. Thanks for letting us know, and please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

    February 06, 2016
  • Thanks for sharing this shift in perspective, which I will take to heart while my heart beats good vibrations your way.

    February 07, 2016

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