• Powerful post, Jeannine. I appreciate you and your openness.

    February 16, 2018
  • Jan Priddy

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am deeply troubled by our nation’s love affair with weaponry and violence, our abiding faith that good will triumph. I have no answers, but I know this is not primarily a mental health issue. It is not only Americans who are sometimes sad or depressed. How we are willing to rethink our values in light of 17 dead children is revealing of our will to strive for the ideals expressed in the documents of our founders. I hope we can do that.

    February 16, 2018
  • Amen Jeannine! I admit some days are very hard but I am NOT giving up!

    February 17, 2018
  • Ann

    Thank you, Jeannine. I am slow to process such events into writing, and often cannot produce much until long after the relevance has passed. (For example, I wrote a poem about 9/11 that took nearly three years to compose.)

    But on the other hand, certain poems are always relevant. I hope.

    February 19, 2018
  • Thank you very much for your comments, you guys. Tough weeks.

    February 21, 2018

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