• You will always be more than just a “weird, sick person” But I understand why you feel that way. I keep hitting walls, too. You are an awesome person and poet. Your strength makes us all stronger.Initially, I never wanted to tell anyone I was disabled, but I realized that leaving that out was denying an important part of my life. Meeting you and having a chance to read your work has been one of the highlights of my literary career! Hopefully I can be an inspiration for someone in the future even half as well as you’re doing now.

    August 18, 2018
  • […] It was also nice to sell some copies of Field Guide to the End of the World, talk to other writers about writing, and talk to an audience about the joys of poetry. Things that remind me of the good parts of being a writer. Today I got an acceptance in my inbox of two poems, which was a nice reminder, too, that it the middle of what feels like an endless stretch of bad, there might be good things waiting. Jeannine Hall Gailey, Talking Apocalypse, End of Summer, Hospital Trips (and Other Unplanned Trips) […]

    August 19, 2018

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